Dec 23-25
After attending the Dec FreeWheelers outing and spending some time back
in the Grass Valley area to attend to some annual health tests I returned to
the central valley and visited Gray Lodge State Wildlife Refuge and Sacramento
NWR. This may be my last trip to these places as I will return to MO in the
Spring and most likely establish a permanent residence there. I have visited
these refuges at least once a year for many years. I will miss these wild
Snow Geese Gray Lodge SWR 12-13-13 |
Red-shouldered Hawk Gray Lodge SWR 12-13-13 |
Red-tailed Hawk Dark Phase Gray Lodge SWR 12-13-13 |
Great Blue Heron Gray Lodge SWR 12-13-13 |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Gray Lodge SWR 12-13-13 |
Snow Geese - Sacramento NWR 12-25-13 |
Pintails in flight - Sacramento NWR 12-25-13 |
Ring-necked Duck - Sacramento NWR 12-25-13 |
Snow Geese - Sacramento NWR 12-25-13 |
Snow Geese - Sacramento NWR 12-25-13 |