Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Yuba Pass CA Camping and Birding

June 12 – 16 2013
I left the triple digits of the Sacramento Valley to enjoy the cool weather at 6,500 feet elevation. I woke up Friday morning to 35 degrees.  What a contrast.
I joined an old friend and a new friend at the Yuba Pass campground on highway 49. They were camping in tents. They are younger than me. They arose early each morning and joined their birding group for a day of traveling to several locations to find various birds. This area is visited by many birding groups this time of year. My friends group identified many more bird species than I even knew existed.  Some of the birders can identify birds by their song. That’s quite a talent. I found many more birds than I was able to document with the camera. They just don’t always want their photos taken.
Here are the few images I managed to take.

Yellow-headed Blackbird - Sierra Valley CA
White-faced Ibis - Sierra Valley CA
Green-tailed Towhee - Sardine Lake CA
American Dipper - Wild Plum Campground CA
American Dipper Feeding Young - Wild Plum Campground CA
American Bittern - Sierra Valley CA
Pied-billed Grebe with Young - Sierra Valley CA
Steller's Jay - Sardine Lake CA
Sardine Lake CA


  1. AWwwww!!! I love my Sardine Lake!! Great pics, as always Judy!
    Miss ya,

  2. Judy--Hi! This is Brooke from Yuba Pass. Just re-found your bookmark and added you to my daily blog feed. Your pictures are great! I especially love your American Dipper photos, and the American Bittern rocks!! Here's my photo site and you can find my Yuba Pass and Sierra Valley pics there: http://idbirds.smugmug.com

    Happy travels!

    Brooke Miller

  3. Forgot to mention that tent camping, on the ground, really whacked out my back. I could barely move that Sunday, and have not been much better since. I started some accupuncture last week, but not much relief yet. Sleeping in a tent on the ground may have to be a thing of the past for me--need to get a 'cot'.

